"May it grow as a tree through the ages" (年月をかけて木と同じように成長しなさい)
"It's your future."
"Say yes to your future."
"Grab your future."
"Take hold of your future."
"You must follow your compass."
Today I attended the lecture by Dr.Soda who was my supervisor when I was in University of Toronto as exchange student. It was actually talk about history of relationship between Chiba Institute of Technology and University of Toronto, not a lecture. His talk title was "Path of progress Chiba Institute of Technology and University of Toronto".
First picture is the school seal of University of Toronto. It has the meaning "May it grow as a tree through the ages".
Second picture is about Professor Ohno who graduated CIT. He was supervisor of Dr.Soda.
Third picture is about me! I felt jumpy when Dr.Soda show my picture sooner or later. It was the picture of pod-luck on the previous day I leave.
Forth picture is about advertisement of Ryerson University. It says
"It's your future."
"Say yes to your future."
"Grab your future."
"Take hold of your future."
CIT have contract with Ryerson University last year. I hope someone from my department goes to there next year.
Fifth picture is the last slide.
"You must follow your compass."
Last picture was taken by my friend. Takumi and Dr.Soda and me.
I'm really looking forward to see Dr.Soda on next March!!
I wanna go back to Toronto as soon as possible. But I have tons of things to do now... So I'll try to do them to enjoy the trip on March:))