
Cherry blossom viewing @High Park

JCCCのバザーに行った後、修士研究のインタビューに行って、終わったのが5時半過ぎだったんですが、まだ日が高かったので噂に聞いてたHigh Parkへ桜を見に行きました。
After JCCC's bazaar, I went to interview about my survey, then the time when the interview finished was about half past five. It was still light out, so I went to High Park to view cherry blossoms.

It was Saturday, there were many couples:)

This weekend was the best date to view them. Almost cherry tree has full of blossoms. It was well worth to come here.

It could be said it was pink, but I think it was white pink.

I've unexpected I could view cherry blossoms.

There are some blossom buds in shade.

Today's best shot :D

色んな言葉を知ってるおじさんがカップルに「写真撮ってあげるよ!こっちよりあっちのほうがいいよ!」となぜか積極的(笑)私にも「Oh are you Japanese? コンチハドーモ!」って言うだけ言って去って行きました(笑)
A gentle(?) man who knows lots of different language talked to a couple, then he took their camera, he said "I'll take a picture for you! There would be better than here!". He talked to me as well "Oh are you Japanese? Hello, how are you?", then he just left. lol

I found Cavalier!! (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) Indeed, they are so cute...

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